Thursday, March 29, 2012

Date Night Gobblet

Recently on Pinterest I have found a couple sites with ideas for dates with my Hubby!  A couple just had lists, but one had a really cute mason jar with color coded sticks with dates on them.  Mine is not nearly as cute because I was at the dollar store and all I could find were these really bright popcicle sticks, and they weren't tall enough for a mason jar, so I had to use a gobblet instead.

I borrowed and stole ideas and threw in some of my own that I knew we would enjoy.  Below are the categories and dates for each!

Blue sticks: $150-$500 dates that we will have to save for
*  Couples Massage
*  Sports game: Good seats and the works!
*  Weekend away
*  Fancy Restaurant
*  Bed & Breakfast

Yellow Sticks: Cheaper or Free out-of-the-house dates
*  Tour Detroit
*  Dessert only at a nice restaurant
*  Mexican...Shannon's favorite
*  Scenic Drive...Get out of the suburbs
*  Go to a movie...Amazing how little we do this!
*  Bowling
*  Volunteer Somewhere
*  Coffee House
*  Window Shop...Maybe buy a little something
*  Museum
*  Take a hike

Red Sticks:  Cheap or free stay-at-home dates
*  Livingroom campout
*  Picnic...outside or in the living room
*  TV show marathon
*  Game on TV and make superbowl snacks
Chopped Challenge...I was thinking we could make a basket for each other, but we have to have a
    meat, a grain, a veggie, and something else...should be interesting!
*  Write a bucket list and discuss how you can make some of them come true
*  Hell's Kitchen taste test...You know, when the chef's are blind folded? may require a trip to the
    grocery store to get some interesting things
*  Play PS3 games...I'm not good, but he can teach me!
Chick flick...obviously this is for me
*  Make pizza together
*  Spa night...Mani-Pedi and massages
*  Creepy Movie...Shannon loves zombie movies, gack!
*  Make a fancy dessert together
20 Questions to learn even more about each other
*  Break out the board games.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Stuff may seem as though I have fallen off the earth. I swear I haven't, but I'm pretty sure my brain has! I've become crazed with things to do, people to have over, books to read, holidays, birthdays, my 975 pinterest ideas, and so on and so on!!!

Anyone else in this boat to the looney bin? Is it just spring?? Am I the only one?

I've also decided to start another blog too! This one will be focused on Family Ethnic Food Night...Yay!!! Our little family is going to start in the European country of Lithuania (my hubby's choice...weird, right?) we are researching and cooking foods from there! We'll develope it as we excited. I figure, if I can't travel right now, I want to simulate the experience!! I'll post the blog once it's up so you can check it out if you're interested:)

Hunger Games...Hello! Love. One of my recent obsessions. Just saw the Movie Friday with my niece and her best friend. Awesome time!!!

Housekeeping: okay,(pinterest ideas) so I tried baking soda and vinegar on my stove plates, but I'm pretty sure it was the elbow grease that got them shiny again. Rubbing walnuts on scratched furniture doesn't work if all your furniture is espresso colored...

However, I have tried many recipes and fun ideas for Aliyah, all awesome!!

Im not sure how this works, but if you'd like to follow me, my pinterest name is Christy King or sdcrking????

Monday, January 16, 2012

New Home!!!

Here it is!  The house was built in the early 1950's.  It has some unique aspects, such as sliding doors everywhere, a giant cement sink in the laundry room, and a car port!  I swear someone could film a period piece in our neighborhood.  We may not stay here forever, but we are so happy and feel so safe here.  Sooooo thankful:)

I've been taking pictures at random times.  Some from before we moved anything in, some before and after paint, some with Christmas decorations, etc.  We still have so much cosmetic work to do.  The entire house was painted dark brown.  I mean, besides that Aliyah's room was white and the den/extra room was a yellowish, the ENTIRE house...front room, kitchen, bathrooms, and master bedroom.  I am still not finished painting, and we have more windows and wall space here, so we are a work in progress.

Front Porch

Back Yard...Needs some work! (Starring my nephew!)

Front Room and Dinning Room (Starring Buster)

Kitchen (Some before and some in process!)

Notice the brown walls...a kitchen should be light and airy

Here's the kitchen table area.  I've painted and started decorating

the most exciting part...the pantry!!!!

Master bath, before and after paint...Definately needs some decore

Master bedroom...Have barely done anything yet, but I'm planning on making it a beautiful romantic haven for us!  Check out the our previous house, we had literally only a fourth.  Shannon takes up 1 and a half closets, and he still needs more room!

Linen Closet in hall

Undefined room at the moment

Aliyah's Room (Hahaha! Apparently I have no pics of her beautiful pink room on my computer, so here's a little smile instead:))

Basement...lots to imagine...scrapbooking center, man cave, play room...

There you are, a little tour...I wish I could see all your homes!!! Get some ideas!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year

There is already so much going on this year! First, the new house (yahoo!!!). Second, I've started a love affair with Pinterest. And yes, it literally feels like an affair because I was obsessed for a couple weeks and couldn't stop checking it out and pinning new ideas. My husband even said he was jealous of the time I was spending on my iPhone!!! Oh no! Time to reign it in...I will figure out how to link my account once we finally get our Internet set up, so you can follow me on Pinterest. Third, I started the 52 Week Organization Challenge! It's a nice, slow challenge. Kindof like a slow weight-loss plan, than usually sticks!!

Do it with me!!! It'll be fun and we will feel great:) some weeks you will hardly have to do anything. Because you already have a handle on that aspect of your home. The first week was to clear your sink and counter area of clutter. I think I had to move 2 things:) this week is organizing kitchen drawers and cabinets. I'm pretty much good there since we just moved, but I may rethink some of the locations of items!

52 Week Organization Challenge

I hope we all can benefit from this challenge this year!!!