Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I know sometimes death is a morbid topic, especially when you aren't focusing on an eternity of praising the Lord. Well, recently my husband and I when on a trip to New York City (which happens to be an amusing story for another time), and since we were both going and leaving Aliyah with my parents, we had to think about what to do in the event that we both die in a car accident or something.

Once we had Aliyah's well-being decided, which was SO hard to think about, we were on our way! And maybe because I had just been thinking about death, (not a topic that is usually on my mind...) I started to think about the things I would miss out on if I was called away from this Earth! It may have been the rolling hills and beautiful forests of Pennsylvania that started me thinking of my list.

1. I would miss out on growing old with my beautiful husband.
2. I would miss out on all of the amazing events, and little happenings in my daughter's life:(
3. There are soooo many books I've never read!
4. There are so many amazing places I've never been!!!

I know that once I have entered eternity, these are things I won't even think about, but why does it make me so sad to think about them now??

What earthly desires would YOU miss??